Hi, I’m Sherri Nighbert! I started my journey when my daughter Taylor was diagnosed with moderate to severe hearing loss at 3 weeks of age, then later became a cochlear implant user. Taylor is thriving in a mainstream school and reading ahead of her peers. Taylor loves writing, drawing, playing sports, swimming, and spending time with her cousins. My passion is helping other families know exactly what to do every step of the way. I can’t wait to meet you and your family!

Hi, my name is Tamira Patterson. My journey began when my son, Caileb, was diagnosed with bilateral sensorineural moderate-to-severe hearing loss. Caileb later became a cochlear implant user, improving his speech understanding, sound clarity, and language skills. Caileb is currently flourishing in an independent elementary school and enjoys dancing, reading, and drawing. I love connecting and building community with other families who have children who are deaf or hard of hearing. I believe that “Love Knows No Sound” and a diagnosis does not have to restrict one’s enjoyment and love of all that life has to offer.
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